The College's Co-curricular program plays an essential part in our education of fine young Marist men.

Co-curricular activities provides diverse opportunities for students to enrich and extend themselves across our four co-curricular domains of:

Each domain focuses on different aspects of the Marist ethos and aims to facilitate the growth of the whole boy, while providing opportunities to broaden and develop their skills, talents and interests.

Different boys like different things. It is striking to see our boys thrive in their diverse passions where no one activity dominates. 

Student Expectations

It is expected that each student will be involved in at least one co-curricular activity throughout the school year. In addition, it is expected that a student will often show his support of other Marist students by his regular attendance at events such as musical performances and senior team sports fixtures. In all of this, he is contributing to the promotion and development of the College rather than simply drawing from its benefits.

Contact details for each of the Sporting Clubs

Australian Rules Football



Football (Soccer)


